Joakim Tufvegren Apps

WiFi Warning 1.5.3
WiFi Warning is an Android application that notifies you when yourWiFi is enabled but not connected to any network, allowing you tosave precious battery time.What the app should do when you select the warning notificationis configurable, as is whether the notification should stay whenyou clear your notifications.This project is heavily inspired by Wifi Status by AndrewSchwimmer (availableon the Android Market,,and was developed only because that application stopped working inAndroid 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).The source is licenced under GPLv2, and is available on
PactrackDroid 2.6.0
PactrackDroid keeps track of mails and parcelssent with the Swedish mail service (Posten/PostNord). Swedishinterface and website!PactrackDroid håller koll på brev, paket och pall som skickatsmed Posten/PostNord.Stöd för automatiska uppdateringar och notiser omstatusändringar (båda valfritt).Source code (GPLv2 licenced) is available on GitHub, see thewebsite.